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  • West Suburban Montessori

Breathe In...Breathe Out

Montessori education is frequently referred to as "education for peace." Dr. Montessori envisioned a world in which peace was not simply the opposite of war but rather a unity among all of humanity. We are seeing glimpses of this kind of unity today as people accept the responsibility of social distancing and self-quarantine both to stay healthy themselves and to save the lives of strangers in their neighborhoods and around the world. We are seeing it as doctors, nurses, and first responders accept threats to their own well-being in order to care for those who are ill or vulnerable.

Despite the beauty of this unity and these glimpses of true peace, many of us are, undeniably, experiencing new or increasing anxiety. Most of us have never spent this amount of intense, ongoing togetherness with our spouses and children; some of us never thought we would. None of us can be entirely sure what is coming next. Despite Dr. Montessori's assertion that "peace is what every human being is craving for," it's only natural that we're all feeling uncomfortable in one way or another.

At WSMS, we are incredibly fortunate to have so many teachers and staff members who embody Dr. Montessori's vision of peace. Among those individuals is Mrs. Rozycki, who manages to exude both joy and calmness in even the toughest situations. When you interact with her, you truly understand what Dr. Montessori meant when she wrote, "It is not enough for the teacher to love the child. She must first love and understand the universe. She must prepare herself, and truly work at it." We love that Mrs. Rozycki's new video lesson shows that even in the wildest times there are simple ways to slow down, re-center, and find internal peace.

Which of these techniques do you plan to try? Did you find yourself breathing along with the video and slowing down without even trying? Let us know in the comments!


In a 1932 lecture, Dr. Montessori offered the following illustration of peace, which seems more relevant today than ever. "...Imagine a man dying as a result of infectious illness. In his body, the war between the germs and those energies that might have made him immune to the disease is over, and we very properly hope that he may rest in peace; but what a difference between that kind of peace and what is called health!"

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