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  • West Suburban Montessori

Guest Post: About Life in This Time

When our usual blogger was struck with writer's block, her son, who is in his second year of the WSMS elementary program offered to step in as this week's author.

Life in this time can be confusing sometimes with all the important safety measures and things like that. I think that Ms. Yeo's handwashing video and Ms. Lim's wash your hands song are great for younger children as a great hands-on learning experience about the importance of handwashing.

I know many people are stressed out about quarantine I just want people to know this it's ok to go outside and take walks and that kind of stuff.

I'd just like kids to know younger people are less susceptible to covid-19 than adults.

How are your children feeling about the stay-at-home order? Do they have thoughts "about life in this time"? Let us know in the comments.


In a Montessori environment, hand washing is taught as an activity of practical life--works that engage children in caring for themselves, others, and the environment. You may have noticed that Mrs. Yeo washed her hands very carefully but used very few words. Dr. Montessori wrote, "Do not tell them how to do it. Show them how to do it and do not say a word. If you tell them, they will watch your lips move. If you show them, they will want to do it themselves."

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